Monday, January 20, 2020

Environmental Monitoring System (EMS)

Every critical equipment in the server room or data center need to be protected as it controls the data of business and the storage of such data for future use.

Therefore, it is critical to provide the highest level of monitoring against outages and potential data/asset loss resulting from environmental factors.



The most common environmental threats are temperature, humidity, power failure, water leak, contaminants, and human error. Most of these threats will either reduced performance, an intermittent or complete shutdown of the facility, these increase the need for an automated and reliable system. 

The Environment Monitoring System helps prevent damages caused by environmental threats and will maximize the availability and performance of essential equipment. It monitors critical conditions such as temperature, humidity, and water. 

When the system detects an irregularity or problem like water leakage, it will send an alert status. 

Alerts can be LED, buzzer, LCD, web-based, email, and SMS over GSM network. The personnel will receive the alert and therefore, preventive action can be taken immediately and minimize the damage and losses.

Linkwise Technology provides an environment monitoring system (EMS) which can easily monitor and manage all your equipment remotely and in real-time. 

Linkwise EMS featuring REX was developed to monitor the condition of each equipment and alert you in case of critical or unfavorable conditions occur in your environment. 

The system will notify you through LEDs, buzzer, web-based, and most conveniently via text message and email, anytime and anywhere.

LinkwiseTechnology has over 20 years of experience protecting facility, server room and data center around the world.

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