Monday, July 29, 2019

Is your equipment safe from different source of risk?

Every equipment is vital in managing and maintaining our business operation, to run smoothly and effectively. Therefore, each of this equipment should be monitored from time to time, as any of this breakdown it will cause inconvenience and loss of productivity.
But will you be able to check the status of your equipment from time to time?
There are many factors we need to consider in managing our facilities and equipment. Here are some

Flood: Our climate is continuously changing over the years. Places which never experience flood before are now experiencing unexpected Flash flood. This can cause a huge damage to property, crucial equipment, important document and loss of lives that will greatly affect not just the people and the community but also the Government itself.
This is enough reason that companies and Government should invest in Flood Monitoring System. Where you will be able to monitor the water level and alert people once it reaches a certain level. Making sure everyone will receive an alarm and prepare for the flood coming.
Linkwise water levelsensors is equipped with powerful features and high communication capability. This ensure that relevant government agencies will get notification when water level suddenly rise up and therefore immediately handle the situation before the actual flood happen.

Temperature and Humidity:
Does your company have equipment and machine which is sensible to humid and temperature? Will you be able to check from time to time changes with the room temperature and air around it?
Most of the time these are the problem of businesses, to maintain and monitor the changes in air and temperature of the facilities. While using air-condition may give you the control with the heat and air within the room but you won’t be able to control changes in the climate outside. This may greatly affect your business once humidity andtemperature were not monitored accordingly. It might affect the whole operation and will incur big financial crisis.

THS-100D and THS-100MD are sensors that are reliable in monitoring changes in the room environment and sent alarm once a certain change needs to be adjusted. It is designed with different features like direct visual display, high precision, low cost, aesthetic appearance, easy installation and high stability. 

Huge damage and loss occurs most frequently when leaks are undetected over extended periods. As what an infamous saying goes “A small leak will sink a great ship”. Even just a small unnoticed leak may cause tremendous damage to our crucial equipment and valuable assets. This may result to huge financial adversity, loss of client’s goodwill and may even result to complete shutdown of facilities.

Most especially to the industries such as BPO, Insurance, Banks, hotels, museums, Manufacturing Plant, and other private or Government companies which has Server Rooms, Data Center, Fuel Pumps, and other crucial equipment that might be affected once leak started.
Water, Fuel, Solvent and Conductive are the four most common leak and therefore in order for you to assure the safety, prevent any big loss and damage, a leak detection system should be there detect and immediately alert you to prevent catastrophic situation.
If you would like to know more about leak detection system click this link

Equipment failure, human error, arson, etc., there are many things that may cause fire. Whatever reason, it will surely affect the people, the equipment or anything that is inside where the fire started. This will cause a big uproar and problem to the whole business operation and to the company itself.
That is why a reliable fire alarm should be installed and checking of the facilities should be done from time to time.
But what if it is at the middle of the night and no one is there to check each and every part of your facilities?
This create a need for a monitoring system that can monitor the status of your FDAS, UPS, etc  24/7 anytime, anywhere.

FDAS Monitoring System, UPS Monitoring System, Environmental Monitoring System, Facilities Monitoring System, Environmental Monitoring System, Data Center Monitoring System, Server Room Monitoring System, Building Management System, SCADA etc.

Unexpected Problem:
Comfort, Security and Safety.
These are the three things we would like to ensure in managing and monitoring our building facilities and equipment. Thus, monitoring a wide variety of equipment consistently becomes challenging as in most cases, it is needed to operate 24/7. Therefore any problem may arise, should be anticipated and taken care off as soon as possible.

But can we check all our equipment 24/7? Or can we even foresee any problem in the future?

Therefore, a reliable smart monitoringcontroller should be in place to monitor and manage your equipment even if you are not physical present through SMS text message and email. This is possible with FMGuard and REX or if you would like to manage all your equipment, MCONEX Building Management system is the answer to your problem- a SCADA system that can monitor thousands of equipment or up to 1million tags. Providing an efficient way of monitoring and managing your equipment while at the same time increasing the productivity of your facilities personnel.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Find A Better Solution

Modern technology in the modern life is not measurable as we can now use this in many different ways and we implement developments to bring out the best of our inventions.

For more information on our technology solutions you may visit

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Technology Growth

The goal of science and technology is to permit enterprises nor individuals to access technologies more efficiently as this will result in reduced costs and enhanced productivity gains from both sides – the developer and the consumer.

The use of new technologies paves the way for production of new cheaper goods and capital accumulation and for that, an enhanced international competitiveness of countries arises.

To get better understanding of what kind of technology growth we are offering, you may visit us at

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How Technology Changes the Society

 Technology has made our lives easier ~ it has changed our lives by decreasing the time to do our task and increased the speed of time. Thus, as a human being, we invent and develop technologies to change our life to bring out its best. Therefore, technology has been a part of our lives.

 In business, the use of this creates new method to conduct, operate and manage the business as easier as possible because this has provided us problem-solving techniques.

Invention and development of technology has changed our life positively and negatively. But what matters is that Technology should always be environmental and human friendly because as the saying goes “Technology is a flower for life and not a productivity killer.

 If you want to know more about new technologies that will create an impact to your business operation, you may visit us at

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Flood Monitoring System

Flood Monitoring System installed nationwide in Singapore

Our environment is changing, climate change is continuously creating a drastic effect to our weather, that even weather forecaster fails to predict the alert for calamity, not even the caution for flood.
Singapore was not an exception, a place which never had flood before, experienced a flood they never anticipated and caused devastation to its people, community and the government itself.

This experience alarmed the government and made them seek help to technology

Linkwise technology Panel

Linkwise Technology developed a Flood monitoring system which meet all the needs and expectations of the government. Water level can now be monitored and alert people once it reach a certain critical level. This helps the whole community get ready for the flood coming and therefore lessen the damage it may cause.

Less than one hundred Picobox system panels are distributed and installed into different parts of Singapore. Schools, pavement, drainage, sewers, rivers and any area where you can find water sources, monitoring panel is there to secure the safety of its people and prevent serious flooding that they have experienced before.

Flood  monitoring system Singapore :panel

Linkwise water level sensors is equipped with powerful features and high communication capability. This ensure that relevant government agencies will get notification when water level suddenly rise up and therefore immediately handle the situation before the actual flood happen.

Real time updates and preventive measures is now hassle free.